Background Information – This is information about the characters and events that is important to the readers understanding of the story.  

 For example: if you were writing a book review on Pinochio, it would be important to note that Jepeto, the creator of Pinochio, was a lonely older man who wanted a son. 
 Brief Summary – Provide information about some of the key events in the story.  Your summary should not include every event in the story, however, it should give the reader enough information to gain an understanding of the story. 

For example:
 In the story of Pinochio Jepeto, a lonely old puppet maker wishes he had a son.  One night, his wish is granted when a fairy brings his puppet to life.  Pinochio is a capricious child who strays from home and gets into all sorts of mischief.  Jepeto sets out to save his son, and in the end, Pinochio and Jepeto learn a valuable lesson about the importance family. 

Theme or Message – Most stories have a theme, or message that the author is trying to convey to the reader.  As you read your book, think about what message the author might want you to understand.  

 For example: In the story of Pinochio, the author wants the reader to understand the importance of family, and making good choices.  

 Your Opinions and Thoughts About the Theme – Once you have identified the message of the story, include your opinion.  What do you think about this theme? Do you agree with it or not? 

  For example:  I totally agree with the author of Pinochio.  We are all faced with tough choices in our lives, and it is important to think about how those choices will affect our future.  I remember once when a friend asked me to skip practice, but I didn’t because I didn’t want to let the team down.  He ended up sitting on the bench, and I started every game that season. 

Your Reactions to the Book – This may be the most important part of your review.  To simply say, “I loved this book,” is not enough.  Tell whether you like the book or not, and use details from the story to explain why you did or did not enjoy the book.  Or, maybe you enjoyed some parts, but not others.  Put some thought into your reactions.  

For example – I loved the story of Pinochio.  I found the idea of a puppet coming to life very funny.  I didn’t really like the part of the story when he got eaten by the whale though.  It just seemed too unbelievable. 
 Rating – End your review by rating the book using a five star system and tell why you rated the book the way you did.  For example:  I would give Pinochio 4 stars.  The story was entertaining and easy to read.  Some parts were hard to believe, but I loved the ending.